



A Creative School Designed for the Complexity of the 21st Century - Learning of the Hands, Heart, and Mind. Specialists in Early Learning through 7th Grade.

Discovery Day Academy’s founder developed a Cognitive Project-Based Learning Model (C-PBL) and numerous pedagogical innovations to foster inquisitive and creative learning dispositions.  Every student is an artist, philosopher, scientist, historian, engineer, writer, mathematician, and computer scientist, experiencing learning through interdisciplinary lenses. We continue to innovate our curriculum based on research in education, psychology, cognitive/neuroscience, entrepreneurship, and business.  As changemakers, we are stewards of our local communities, impacting positive change for people, animals, and the planet.  A global approach to teaching and learning ensures that our students continue to become successful and contributing citizens.

“Learning should evolve at the fingertips of a child, in an environment that encourages innovation.”

Elizabeth Anne McDaniel, EdD 
Founder/Head of School

Discovery Day Academy


We recognize the importance of being fully accredited by organizations that can attest to the value we bring to our families and students, and our unwavering commitment to quality. Discovery Day Academy is recognized by the following accrediting bodies:


Discovery Day Academy

The Time Is Now

Your child’s future begins at Discovery Day Academy.  We are actively accepting applications and welcome you to schedule a tour for our summer camp or fall preschool-7th grade programs.